We took off Friday night for some much needed down time/family time. We'd been planning a trip to Legoland Windsor for weeks and the kiddos were so excited to finally be on the road! Colin is a big kid himself and Legos are his absolute favorite toys, so we knew we were going to have a blast. I'm a big Lego fan myself, but the rest of my family? Absolutely bonkers for them.
They say that getting there is half the fun. Well, it is if you have the Doots along for the ride.
This would be called: Sponge Bop Square Doots, Norah's impression of Sponge Bob Square Pants.
Doots then insisted on playing with the camera, so I showed her how to use it and she took a photo of me. This one came out considerably better than the one she took of Mia.
Considering just how much Mia is drooling in this photo, that may not be such a bad thing...
At last! Now the fun part begins...trying to please 3 princesses who all have very different ideas of how these two days are going to play out. Everyone wants to be first to do everything.
So we told them that if they fought over anything as ridiculous as who gets to what with whom, when and where, then we would feed them to the dinosaur.
It didn't work...but hey, we tried.
We rode the Space Tower first since it was closest.
The sun kept playing hide and seek with us, so all our shots have wonky sunlight. This is Lara trying to pull herself up while being blinded by the sudden rays of sunshine.
Mia and I took a turn on the monorail together. Love that we got this shot. Yay! One of my kids looks like me!!
A shot of miniland as seen from our ride.
YOU can dance!!! YOU can JI-IVE!
I think this one of the first highlights of our trip. ABBA, immortalized in LEGO.
The English seaside, complete with windbreaks. It looks just like Hunstanton!
Doots, completely ice-creamerific, having the time of her life, sooo wanting to go Godzilla on miniland. I could tell.
More shots of miniland.
I forget which castle this is...I think it's here in England, though.
One thing we didn't take a photo of was the model of Minack Theatre. However, I was so impressed with the model, that I made it a point to look it up when we got home.
We are so going here.
photo courtesy of falmouth-cottage.co.uk
The model of Sacre Coeur, one of my favorite spots in Paris.
A rare treat...a family photo in which I do not look barfilicious! SCORE!
We watched the Johnny Thunder Adventure Show and the kids were tickled pink. These guys were having a good time jumping off this tower, you could just tell.
After a full day, we made our way back to our hotel. Colin set up the entire trip and we were pleasantly surprised when we arrived at our hotel, St. Anne's Manor. It really was beautiful, inside and out, and the staff was super friendly and talked to the kiddos endlessly about Legoland.
photo courtesy of hilton.co.uk/stannesmanor
The Doots crashed pretty hard that night and we had a hard time waking her up the next day. She looked so peaceful that we didn't really want to disturb her. But, hey, we had another fun-filled day waiting for us!
Besides, it was Father's Day and we needed to have some very important Daddy time before we headed to the park!
Wakey wakey!! :)
I so want this at the front door of our dream house. Everyone would be so jealous.
Next up: driving school. Mia was absolutely hopeless on the track. Lara, on the other hand, kept a very cool head about her. She was just so dang excited to be behind the wheel of a car!
We then went on a fairytale boat ride.
Look! A fairy godmother!! I made the kids stop asking for wishes and I asked her for a $500 gift certificate to Anthropologie. I know she heard me because her little animatronic arm swung her clear lego encrusted wand right down on my head. And then she winked. She loves me.
By the end of the second day we were all a little bit tired. Lara and Mia were still all smiles and rarin' to go. The Doots, however, was full of stink and bile. Little stinker. She's supposed to be having fun!!
That's normally how she looks at me. Don't let all these smiley pictures fool you!
But kids never act how they're supposed to, right? So, with a sulky, cranky Doots, we stopped one last time at the gift shop/blackhole and then we headed home.
Goodbye, dear Legoland. Thank you for entertaining our punks and lifting the burden of all that cash we had in our wallets. What would we do without you?