Well, we've been in the house for 1 month and we've just about got everything unpacked and put away. Funny, though, that my office is the last room...who would've guessed? ;)
The new house looks very similar to our house in Germany but we changed a few things. The couch got a brand new (grey) slipcover and we moved the dining room rug in here because it's just too pretty to be under our table...getting food ground into it.
Since we're *almost* done with the unpacking we are moving on to picking out paint colors. There are swatches of paint all over the walls. We're going with a cool blue/grey because we have so many warm, rich tones throughout the house. We need to cool it down a bit, I think.
AND since the house is almost normal, and it doesn't bug the everliving heck out of me, I can now focus on working again. I'm currently looking for a new digital home. :) Here's hoping I find the right place!
But with designing and projects around the house (hence, things to actually post about) I hope I'll be updating my blog on a more regular basis. Thanks for bearing with me. :)