This year, as I'm sure many of you can relate to, we're on a budget. I wanted to come up with something that was personal and heartfelt but that wasn't going to be too time consuming. We have houseguests from now until the first week of January and I didn't want to be holed up in my office or out running a ton of errands.
Then inspiration struck me. My gift this year will be a handwritten letter to my loved ones and dear friends.
It seems so simple but once I started writing, I couldn't stop. And, boy, let me tell you. My hands ACHE. I can't believe we used to write and write and write so much in high school. I have boxes of letters from my girlfriends and old boyfriends and I remember how special I felt every single time I got a note. I'll take a handwritten letter over a text or email any day.
I almost cried writing the first letter. Anyone who really knows me will tell you that I put on a big front. The minute I start talking about how I feel about someone I love I will break down and cry. Colin teases me about long-distance commercials and their apparent affect on me. ;)
I'm going to finish up my letters and then get them in the mail along with a photo of our family. I am so excited about this, it's kind of ridiculous. :)
I hope your holiday gift giving plans are going well. Any other simple, budget-friendly ideas?