turn 30 every day if it meant all my friends had to spoil me and wear dress up clothes. :)
I had such a lovely birthday.
Remember this post? My husband is so good to me. :)
And I had a little surprise party with some of our closest friends. They all showed up blasting "Dancing Queen", wearing kids' dress up jewelry and streamers. :) It was really sweet.
I love, though, that every year Colin makes me a cake. This year he made it from scratch (including the icing) and every last bit of it was yummy.
It was a very fun night and I'm so happy we have good friends here. It makes me less homesick. :)
Now it's back to reality as I need to get a ton of laundry done so I can pack my suitcase with something other than pj's for my brother's wedding. :)
Gotta dash!