I am absolutely floored that it has been a month since my last post. We've had zero time for anything lately. We're still not in our house. We've found one that is perfect but we can't move in til Nov.28th so we are in a furnished apartment til then. The apartment's great but we have to keep it super clean because it's for sale and we have to be ready to show it when asked. Our routine has completely changed. I'm no longer working except for Songbird Ave. We get up at 5:30 instead of 8 a.m. now because the girls have to catch a bus that's 30 minutes away. Then when they get home at night they usually have 1-2 hours of homework each and then we start the whole "make dinner, clean up, get ready for bed" routine that needs to be finished by 7 because the girls have always needed 10-12 hours of sleep per night.
So, the weekends are completely taken up by all the errands we don't get to run during the week. Norah's not in school yet, so we spend our days baking, cleaning and taking long walks around downtown Frankfurt. I feel totally European right now. I don't drive. I walk about 20 minutes to the grocery store every day and only buy what I can carry. I no longer have a huge pantry full of food. We have no parking by our apartment unless we are extremely lucky so we park about 15 minutes away and walk home. Needless to say we don't pile the car with stuff to bring in. :)
The washing machine in our apartment doesn't work so we go once a week to the base to do it all at once. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. It's just so...different.
We have none of our stuff either. We packed like absolute morons. We brought no winter clothes, just some light jackets and stuff. We didn't think we were going to be living out of our suitcases for 2 whole months. I was seriously kicking myself when we had to go out and buy winter coats for everyone...that was an expensive mistake. ;)
So right now I feel a bit displaced. I'm not good at being in limbo. We move around a lot so the moving has never really bothered me. I guess it's because we always had our things with us and we had familiar surroundings no matter what house we were in. This time is so different. It's definitely shown us how much we can go without, though. In one way it feels good to pare down and live with less. We don't have so much to tidy up now that we have so little. ;) On the other hand, though, I miss my scrap stuff. I have been itching to make some handmade cards.
I'm also not working so there's that sense of restlessness that's eating away at me. I've been sketching and creating patterns like crazy but I've had no time to play with them in Photoshop. All in good time, I guess.
Gosh, this feels like a total whine fest!
Wish I could liven this post up with some photos at least but the cords and camera have run away from me this afternoon. I'll have to search for those tonight after I pick up the girls.
On a more upbeat note (and also in line with todays' post's mood) I got a little award the other day. :)
I think I've been pretty honest today, huh? It's awarded to those who write from the heart. (Or in my case, a blogger who whines and wants her scrap stuff.) ;) Lien nominated me and now I have to nominate 9 other bloggers. I'm just passing it on to 5. So, here goes.
--paislee press
--kimberly mahr kwan
--jen caputo
--laura alpuche
The next part is to offer up a few honest tidbits about myself. This will be fun, right?
--I have very long toes. Most shoes don't fit me but I can pinch the crap out of your love handles with them if you're not paying attention.
--I do not like bathrooms. They freak me out and I stand on the sides of my feet so that my points of contact are even smaller. I know. I'm insane.
--I've been battling sever acne for a year now. I hate it and it makes me feel self conscious. Bare Minerals, however, is profiting nicely.
--I love to sing. I used to sing the National Anthem in high school and at State track meets and basketball games. I always thought I was going to be a singer when I grew up.
Well, that's it for me, folks. I've gotta finish cleaning up the apartment. A woman is coming to look at it today and I need to move some of our junk into the cellar.
I hope everyone is well and happy. Hopefully my next post won't be next month. :)