who's there?
remember who?
remember vegan?
K, so many, many months ago I expressed a desire to try a vegan diet. Well, I failed miserably. And it's time to fess up. I simply cannot maintain a vegan diet. It's no use. I'm not motivated or strict enough to keep at it. I tried, I really did. But there you have it. I'm not a vegan and I probably never will be. I applaud all those who have the diligence and willpower to stick to such a strict diet. Me? I need bacon on Saturday mornings. :)
The kiddos had such a fun time at the bday party yesterday. Lots of dancing and playing and snacking and chasing. Good times. First, we had a mini photo shoot in the backyard, though. :)
And another thing I need to fess up to. I have no idea what I am doing with this camera. It's like buying a corvette before you even know how to drive. It's sad really, but that's why I'm taking so many photos...trying to get a feel for what this baby can do and seeing where my weaknesses are. Needless to say, my weaknesses are many. It's not the camera's fault...I just don't know how to drive it.
Also, another part of the house is due for an upgrade. The front entrance...sigh.... It's so sad and lonely and unimpressive. I have my work cut out for me, but I think it'll look fun and peppy when I get done with it. There is zero storage right now and it has no character whatsoever. Can't wait til it's done!
Noodle was especially cute on the couch this morning. See, this is another area where I don't excel at the camera thing. I tried snapping some shots of her with and without the flash...the flashy shots were horrendous and the ones without the flash were blurry. Darn it. Still have much more learning to do. :( But, holy cow, is this child a sweetie. Look at that face!
However, I did like my little self portrait. I tweaked it a bit with some actions, but it was pretty good raw. Plus I'm wearing my new favorite tee from J. Crew. :) It's a happy shirt, for sure.
I've gotta run. Got some goodies I need to work with and then I've got some Songbird stuff to take care of. I can't believe February's almost over already! Where did this month go!?!? Ciao, all. Happy Monday!