aaaahhhh....feels so good to have gotten that out! and my CT has been really receptive to the things i wanna say and do...i am really lucky to have them! thank you to everyone (here and behind the scenes) who said things to encourage me and support the unleashing of the real jan! LOL! some of my friends have really shown me the light...that i AM different in real life and online..but that's that is ALSO ok. there is nothing wrong with having my guard up while still being real. love that!!
ok, so friday we had our friend tika over for a visit. she is one of colin's colleagues. she's from albania and is the sweetest thing. she always comes bearing gifts and tons of candy and she is forever rolling around on the floor and playing barbies. she's really sweet and everytime she is around we always want to hang out with her again ..and soon. so she invited us to dinner at her new apartment sunday evening and we gladly accepted. she said 'we'll just have some burgers and fries'. whatever! the woman laid out this HUGE spread. we stuffed ourselves silly! and she seems so much happier in her new palce..away from her psycho landlord. it's good for her and she just exudes happiness these days. so, anyway, we spent a good chunk of our weekend with her and the girls just loved it.
on saturday, we had a hankerin' for some shopping, so we headed to downtown frankfurt to spend the day. a lot of our friends here have their fave cities in germany...wiesbaden, garmisch...munich, etc. but ours is frankfurt....hands down. i LOVE shopping there! so we got there around noon and had some pizza and then went to the zeilgalerie to do some shopping. there is a game store there and lush is also there.....LOVE this store. normally i am very sensitive to smell...perfume in an enclosed area will totally make me wanna puke. but after just a couple of minutes in here, i was ok. the first burst of fragrance was really overwhelming and made me lightheaded, but i was ok after that. i picked up some stuff for laura and mandy...but i got a couple of treats for myself. i am ALL ABOUT good smelling stuff...but i can't just use anything. it has to be perfect for me. so i found 2 that i just adore...i will definitely be going back for more!
first up: happy soap...a wonderfully citrus and fresh smell....i've been using it in the shower and it is awesome! the smell is delish and i love the way my skin feels afterwards! i also used it on norah in her bath...and this is totally replacing her usual baby lavender bath stuff. i LOVE the way she smells.... clean and orange...i just wanna eat her up! we will probably go get another fun fragrance for lara and mia to use...they had so much fun in there smelling everything, so i know they'd have a blast picking out their own soap!
and the second one i got is 'ooh la la'. it has wonderfully REAL lavender smell...and i LOVE the color! (kim, you'd love this one!) ah, it's just yummy. and my whole bathroom cabinet smells like rich real lavender now. can't beat that!
then we went to H&M and i picked up a couple of t-shirts and a really cute black wrap has 3/4 gathered and trimmed sleeves with an empire waist. i really love it. now i just need to get my waist trimmed down a bit and then i won't look like a column! LOL! we got the girls some new clothes for school (to get lara out of her highwaters) and while picking out sweaters, mia spied this orange/blue/tan/red/white knit first i was like 'are you sure, mia?' but then you should have seen the look on her face. she calls it her 'peacock' sweater. and when she 'flies' she's a hummingbird. i never thought she'd want a knit poncho, but the girl insists on wearing it everywhere! she looks adorable in it and is absolutely in love with it. i found a purple and pink one in the same store and lara said she wanted to try it on...but i honestly didn't think she'd like it. lara has totally different taste than mia does. mia is a bit more eclectic where lara is a bit more rigid. so i put the poncho on her and she immediately asked where the 'armholes' were. i told her that ponchos don't have armholes and i could literally see her face shut down. she looked at me for a few seconds and then yanked it off of her. 'i don't like those' she said. sigh.....sometimes i really have to wonder about her. she has to have everything 'just so'. she's a bit obsessive about the things she does and it hinders her trying anything new....exact opposite of mia. but funnily enough...lara is very similar to how i am now. i have no idea how i was as a little girl...but now i am pretty stuck in my ways. i like to have things 'just so'. but if this has rubbed off on lara..then why not mia? i dunno. guess it'll all unfold itself in time.
so, yesterday we painted our living room the grey-blue color i picked out last week. i have to say we are IN LOVE with it. it just looks wonderful. we have khaki sofas and chocolate brown pillows..and that blue just pulls it all together. i can't believe we've lived with white walls for as long as we have...our home in georgia has a different color on every wall...terra cotta, purple, lime green, flesh, grey, khaki, cornflower blue....we had it all. so i think that was one of the most depressing things about coming here and living in an apartment...we couldn't really make it 'ours'. we live on such a quarterly basis that it is hard to plan anything. we never know how long we'll be here. hopefully by the end of this month we will know whether or not we are staying for another year and can plan accordingly...we'll look for a new place (something bigger) and really settle in and get comfortable. we have too large a family to live in a temporary state. and i am totally anal about having 'a place for everything and everything in its place'. i can't stand to live in chaos...
in design news....i have added and lost some CT members....andrea victoria will no longer be on my team and i will be stepping down from hers as well. it is really hard to be on another designer's CT...there just aren't enough hours in the day. and i have added 2 wonderful ladies to my own team. mary-ann buchanan and becky pogatchnik. becky is an old scrap friend of mine who is venturing into digi and she is wonderful. love her! and mary-ann...well, this sweet thing applied to my CT call and i have totally regretted not asking her. we had been keeping in touch with one another and i was really enjoying her company and her work. so i asked her to join the CT ad she graciously accepted. love that!!
and i think i have found my new scrap 'crush'. kristina contes. she is CRAZY talented!! and i just watched my copy of SCRAPPED: IT'S A MOVIE and she' freakin in there!!! i couldn't believe it! i just love reading her blog and seeing her work! kristina, you rock!
ok, wow...i've rambled enough this afternoon. ha! i need to get started on lunch for the girls and i need to work on my halloween kit. can't wait til it's done! i keep getting wiffs of 'happy soap' from my hands...and i just love it. i love the way that stuff smells!!
alrighty, ciao all!!