Yeah, um, this is what we drove through in downtown Darmstadt Friday afternoon. This is a google mage, but, get the general idea.
A drunk lady stopped our car and shook her belly at us and then beckoned us to drive inch by inch. Then she started dancing again. Now, obviously I am not a sports fan, Germans love their soccer. And even more...they love to win. If Germany wins against Italy, I don't even want to be in this country. The frenzy was fun to watch, but NOT fun on top of and right outside my car. I felt like a celebrity...scared and forced to please the crowd (they were screaming at us to honk). Wow....I guess this is what it's like to grow up in a place where there is only one sport that matters. I would rather watch it on TV than be a front row, so I guess that's it about soccer.
In other news, Norah is rolling over like a champ. She is really moving. SHe giggles all the time and SHREAKS when she drops a toy. It's pretty darn cute. :) Lara and Mia got a special treat yesterday. We ended up taking them to Taunus Wunderland. Wow...I've just been frightened all weekend. If EVER an amusement park needed a makeover, it would be this one. It was just so crusty and nasty and rundown. So, we bought season passes and said "What the hell.." The kids love it and it's only 30 minutes away. So, we made a deal with them. Every day that they clean their room, they get a sticker on the calendar. 3 stickers means they can go to Taunus Wunderland that Saturday. YEah. Let's see how long this lasts! HA! :)
And I am feverishly working on a new kit. I have to say that I am little frustrated with designing these days. It seems like everytime I have a brilliant (to me) idea, I see it elsewhere on the market as soon as I put mine out there. It is really discouraging, but I am going to do my best to stay true to myself and as original as possible. THIS is whyI don't look at other kits and designer's stuff out there. I don't want to ne influenced by the scrap world. So, I take my inspiration from fashion, history, whatever peaks my interest at the moment. I'm just really hoping that in the future I can go a week without seeing stuff that upsets me....sigh...
And thank you all for stopping by my blog the other day! And you gals know that I hate dissappointing once again I am going to give all of you the new kit "Portobello Rd."!!! Only 8 gals commented outside of my own CT! HA! Just send me an email with 'Portobello Rd' in the subject and I will send it off to you! Now, don't spill the beans! LOL! This is just for my loyal blog readers! You never know when an opportunity might pop up around here! Ciao all! :)